Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Typography Apps for your iPhone!

Here are some iPhone apps for typography, I find them really interesting!

Helvetica or Arial?

Why are these two typeface are so similar? How do you tell them apart? What are the exact differences between these two fonts? The image overlays Arial and Helvetica on top of each other to help bring some of the subtle differences to light.

Designed in 1957 by Max Miedinger, Helvetica’s design is based on that of Akzidenz Grotesk (1896), and classified as a Grotesque or Transitional san serif face. Originally it was called Neue Haas Grotesque; in 1960 it was revised and renamed Helvetica (Latin for Switzerland “Swiss”).

Designed in 1982 by Robin Nicholas and Patricia Saunders for Monotype (not Microsoft), it’s classified as Neo Grotesque, was originally called Sonoran San Serif, and was designed for IBM’s bitmap font laser printers. It was first supplied with Windows 3.1 (1992) and was one of the core fonts in all subsequent versions of Windows until Vista, when to all intents and purposes, it was replaced with Calibri.

Geography Meets Typography..

Using Helvetica Neue font, the artist carefully positioned each letter to achieve the likeness of the conventional world map.

Typography Posters and Prints.

Here's a website i found where you can buy typography shirts, mug posters, prints and almost all kind of products.

A Lesson on Typography...

A simple video tutorial on typography.. Enjoy!

Rare Book Room.

Last week, the class visited the Rare Book Room in Gleeson Library. It's strange that I've never heard of this room before. It was really fun seeing all the special collections like rare books, prints and historical manuscripts. I thought the rules would be more strict and I thought we can't touch anything. What was really interesting to me is the huge press print machine that was centered in the middle of the room. It was really nice seeing it specially when one of the groups were recently talking about it. You can see pictures of the visit below. Enjoy!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


When I first saw this picture, I remembered our website's background. The two messages are related in a funny way. I find this typeface amazing. How the E is facing two ways and connected to each other like it's forming a logo. And I find the P and the A really interesting, this small arm/ear hanging around. I'd like to know what typeface is that really..

Thursday, October 6, 2011

iSad :(

  In memory of Steve Jobs, I wanted to share this video. It s so simple but so inspiring.. It is so amazing how we received the news of his death on devices he have created.
  I chose this video in particular because he specifically talked about 'Typography' it is so amazing how I can relate to his speech. To be honest, I really wasn't looking forward for this class, but through out the semester I did. And while hearing his speech, it made me wonder if I might be somebody some day like him. This class have helped him in his inventions and I'm hoping it would do the same for me even if it was 10 years later..


Saturday, October 1, 2011


This video is beyond amazing!! A MUST WATCH!
Olivier Beaudoin is a  'graphique'. I find it weird that his website isn't interesting as this video but his artwork is amazing!! Enjoy :)


Meek FM

I started searching about some new things about typography and I've founded this extremely strange yet cool typeface called 'Meek FM'
Meek FM is an interpretation of type as sound. Using new software and the M.E.E.K. typographic synthesizer, the musician/designer develops sounds and typographic visuals in parallel.

Visit the website below for videos and more details...


Friday, September 23, 2011

Liam Harrison!

While searching for project 1. I've came across this amazing artist's website and I thought of sharing it with you.

Liam Harrison is a freelance art director, animator and a filmmaker. Check out his website, you won't be sorry!


Dynamic Typography!

Lately, since Alex have showed us a video clip about dynamic typography (animation typography) in class and I became really interested. I've watched many many videos on youtube and I thought of sharing this one in particular from a scene from Family Guy because it's kind of funny.

I think this clip shows us a good way of illustrating the scenario with all the beating and the hitting and specially when he sinks his head underwater. It is amazing!

Stefan Sagmiester

While working on project 1. I've came across a lot of videos. And I found this interesting ad where a group of artists around the world came together to create art pieces that spell out the philosophy of Absolut Vodka. Turns out that this is similar to Stefan Sagmiester's work. But I love the creativity in this ad. Enjoy!

From the Flintstones to Scooby-Doo!

During our Typography class on September 21st. Professor Stacy took us to Thacher Gallery. It was nice to break the routine and go through our break over there to check some of the artists' work. I'm sure most of us know Scooby-Doo, Yogi Bear and The Flintstones and it was nice to know who's behind this work which we came to know it is Bob Singer. The gallery was packed and the artwork was amazing. It was nice to refresh our memories.. I've took couple of pictures on my phone listed below :-)

You can tell from the typeface it is old and it was like from an old rock.

I absolutely loved the gallery and it would be nice to go some other time :-)

Monday, September 5, 2011


There's nothing like graffiti. Is it just me or does it send a happy vibe?


The brilliance in this is amazing. How the artist blurred out some of the letters so the message would imply. Clear and simple as easy as that.